How to Use Komet Payments
- Manual Payment Entry - Click on the KometPay Manual Button
- Touch to Pay/ Swipe Card - Click on the Use KometPay Terminal Button
- Komet Payments Virtual Terminal – Allows users to accept payments that are not associated with an invoice. These DO NOT Pass through to Accounting and Need to be Reconciled manually using the Transaction log report.
- Pay by ACH
On the payment screen select the bank symbol and select US Bank Account
Fill in the details to connect to the bank
Pay Invoices
- Refunds – Full refunds can be issued from the transaction log report (accessible under the POS menu) by clicking the Refund button on the row with the payment. If the user clicks refund on a record that has already been refunded, a message is shown indicating that a refund has already been issued. A successful refund is identified in the Authorization code field with the word Refund prepended to the Authorization code. Refunds Must Be Manually Reconciled in Your Accounting System
- Partial Refunds – Can be issued by creating a credit memo and using the Issue Refund button:
- Settlement Report
There is a settlement report to show if the payment went through or not it's found here
Delete Cards from the Vault
Go to Customer Maintenance and open a customer
Go to the KPVault Tab
Click on Show Credit Cards
Enter your Supervisor Password
Click on Delete to Delete the Card that is no longer needed