Warehouse Inventory and Labeling (IAG)

This program which is accessed from under the shipping menu (and is only available when using Inventory at a Glance) is used to input graded flowers into SMARTSystem and to print Sleeve Labels

Filter the list to show you the products you want to enter then enter the graded quantity on the right hand column and then enter again to add more product

When you have entered everything click on Save. If you want sleeve labels make sure the Print Sleeve Labels box is checked

UPC Codes are needed for ALL PRODUCTS for the sleeve labels to work

Once you click Save the quantities are added to the On Hold Column.

This was designed to hold the product from noon until midnight and so the product can not be sold until the hold is removed. (we create a task to remove all holds after midnight)

  • Quantities entered are the total number of stems which is how they are sold. When entering one or more quantities, if possible use the enter key and press enter to process or press SAVE.

    a. Labels will be printed when updating

    b. Total stems will be entered

    c. Total stems divided by “Stems per Bunch” (found in Inventory table) will generate the number of Sleeve labels.

  • The number of labels to print is calculated based on the quantity of stems entered. Formula: Quantity of Stems entered divided by Stems per Bunch will equal the number of labels to print.
    1. for example, SMARTSystem will be setup to run:

a. 1 label printed will represent a bunch of 25 stems

b. Inventory will be updated with 25 stems as the quantity entered

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