Advanced Location Usage and Maintenance


To view, create, change and maintain Warehouse Shelf Location records. A view option is also needed to allow all users to ONLY search for and view the locations of product without the ability to modify them.

Location Workflow

  1. Purchase Order is received with all product quantities put into your Default Location. (set under the Management menu)
  2. All received merchandise automatically goes into the defined default location and the warehouse personnel will assign locations as noted on the PO Receiving worksheet (manually).
  3. The users will use the PO Receiving worksheet and the Location View/Maintenance program to determine where to move the products to. They will use the location maintenance program to move these products from the default location to any other locations

View Function:

This is the View Screen with limited features. It does not have the ability to do maintenance or transfers. The View screen will be controlled for each staff member in the staff maintenance screen by a checkbox to identify the staff person as a “Location Manager.”

• Location Manager features are shown in the sections below

• Non-manager functions are limited to this screen only.

Location Manager Features:

This is the first screen which is used to select locations by:

• Product Code

• Product Description

• Location

• Sales Order #

• PO #

When the maintenance feature is selected, the following screen will be displayed with 3 entry options to locate products either by typing and pressing enter on the key board or by scanning with a bar code scanner:

  1. Enter a product code
  2. Enter a sales order number (for example, a pick ticket returned from the warehouse) or
  3. Enter a purchase order number (for example, a receiving document returned from the warehouse):

Here is an example of a product code entry “ROSEFREE70” showing the product locations.

Double click on a line to display the Maintenance Screen (default) or right click to select either Maintenance or Transfer.

Another example below, enter the sales order number and the products on the sales order are displayed with locations associated with each. Here is the display and the pick ticket is shown below:

Maintenance Screen:

This is the Warehouse Shelf Location Maintenance Screen. The Product Description, on-hand, On Hold, On Order and Future Availability quantities are show in the screen heading:

Note: Product code will be placed before the Product Description.

On this screen, add “Future Availability.” [On Hand – On Hold + On Order = Future Availability]

Highlight the line that needs to be changed(shown in dark blue):

The program functions can be set and remain the program default until changed. The available functions are:

• Set Quantity – replace the quantity that currently exists

• Add Quantity – increases the existing quantity by the number entered

• Subtract Quantity – reduces the existing quantity by the number entered

The Quantity from the highlighted line and cursor will be positioned in the QUANTITY field, click the option or enter a QUANTITY and click SAVE. That product location will immediately be updated. The cursor will return to the next line item on the screen above

After clicking SAVE, the cursor will position itself at the next line to be highlighted.

New Location

If a new location is needed, it can be added on this screen by entering the new location and clicking “Add New Location.”

Transfer Function

Products can be transferred from one location to another using the following screen.

Click on the line to highlight. The Quantity will show at the bottom of the screen and cursor will be positioned in the To Location field, type in the first few characters, select the location from the drop down shelf locations.

Then tab or click to position the cursor in the QUANTITY field, change the QUANTITY and click SAVE. The QUANTITY will be adjusted in the FROM location. Note: the FROM location cannot go negative and if it does display a warning message with “cancel or continue.”

That product location and quantity will immediately be updated. The cursor will return to the next line item on the screen above.

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