Quickbooks Online End of Day with Transaction Pro

1. Run the Invoice Print Verification to check if everything has been invoiced

Click on Check Date and Check All Orders

  1. Run the End of Day from SMARTSystem, selecting your data range

3. When it has completed print out the two reports so you can check against Quickbooks after the import.

4. Locate the Exported files in C:\WFSData\Export Files

5. Login to Quickbooks Online in a browser

6. Login to Transaction Pro in a browser

7. Click on Import File

8.  Choose from Invoices, Credit Memos, Purchase Orders or Receive Payments

9. You should get a Green Check mark to say the file is good

10. Click on Select File & Sheet and then Import Sheet

11. The correct mapping file should be detected and then click Preview and Import

12. Then you will see your transactions to import. Click Import

13. Now check everything has imported into your Quickbooks Online Account

  1. If you get an error that something hasn't imported check that it's not already been imported into Quickbooks or if there is an error in the export file you can make an edit directly in Transaction Pro and then re-import
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