Create New Master Button for Sales Standing Orders

We have created a new button in SMARTSystem that allows you to quickly and easily make a child standing order into a new Master Standing Order.

There are two different ways of using this new button. The first is as follows:

1. Create the Child order - Go to Sales - View Standing Orders and process a Standing Order. The example below we will use is Chelle's Flower Shop

2. If there is not enough of the product to make a child order you will get this message

3. You will need to check the Create Orders as Pre-Book Orders checkbox to continue

4. The Child Order will be created:

It can also be seen in the Sales View

2. Edit the Child Order - We will change the quantity to 25 to 50

3. Make the Child Order the new Master order, by clicking on the Make this Order the New Master

You will receive a message that the order is now the new master standing order and the old standing order has been stopped.

And now you have your new Master Standing Order

The SECOND way of using this new master order button is from an original standing order.

1. Here we will open the standing Order for Anna Memmott Design

2. Go to the Standing Order Info Tab  and select Create New Master Order

3. Once again you will get the message A New Standing Order has been created. Old standing order has been stopped.

4. Here is it in the Sales View

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