Web Discounts

Web Discounts (promo codes)

How to enter discounts:

Open the SMARTSystem.

Select the Management Menu.

Then select Web Discounts (Promo Codes)

Web Discounts (promo codes)

How to enter discounts:

Open the SMARTSystem.

Select the Management Menu.

Then select Web Discounts (Promo Codes)

  •         Vendor is required but not used. Pick Anything is OK
  •         Description is also required (Displays in checkout after code is entered)
  •         Discount Code is required - this is the code that the user will type in to get the discount
  •         Start Date and End Date are required
  •   These limit when the code can be used by date
  •         Calculate Using must selected for Dollar Amount (AMT) or Percentage (PCT)
  •         Calculator number:
  •    If PCT
  •   Enter the Percent enter as whole number (0-100)
  •    If AMT
  •   Enter Dollar Amount of Discount
  •         Purchase amount must be entered – enter 0 because it is not used by the SMARTSite
  •         Category Code - Not used
  •         Item Code - Not used
  •         Product Code
  •    If the discount is for a product, enter the product code of the product to receive the discount here
  •    When user enters product code on site and this product is not ordered, then the discount is not applied. Only applies discount when specified Product code is on order if product code is present
  • o   If Product Code is not entered, then the site treats this discount as a discount for the entire order and the discount percent or amount is deducted the Sub-Total (before shipping cost is applied). 
  •         Discounts do not apply to delivery charges
  •         Apply Logic field is not used
  •         Active checkbox must be checked in order for discount to be available on the website.
  •         Don’t forget to click save
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