Setting up Big Screen

1. Setup Ship Via's with Route Numbers

It requires that your Local Carrier ship via’s have a route number.

Also, you need to set the divisions for your reps. 

Here are some notes I had about it too:

1. This shows the alternate salesperson division as "department"

2.  If there is no alternate salesperson it shows "FC" as the Dept

3. The Ord # is the number of Sales orders for that customer

4. The screen displays ALL of the Sales Orders for the current day (including Prebooks) – nothing drops off once invoiced. And the screen changes to tomorrow’s orders at Midnight

5. If an order has pickup and normal delivery order then it won't turn orange

3. Quickbooks classes may need to be setup depending on the current configuration

If either of the Quickbooks Classes boxes are checked below (from MASTER System control - Select Your Accounting System) they will override the Route class set in the above screen

2. Red means the customer has less than $50 of orders for the day (this value can be changed in the configuration file)

3. Orange means the customer has a pickup order as well as a delivery order.

4. If you want to show when not all orders have been invoiced in yellow select this box

5. A checkbox to hide specific routes from the big screen app was added to the ship via screen. 

  1. You can pause the screen using the SPACEBAR and look at the previous and next days using the -1 and +1 Day options

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