MTS #13C SMTP Setup for Emailing

Purpose:  To setup up the SMARTSystem SMTP for emailing invoices, price lists and related documents.

Keywords:The following is a list of key terms used in the SMARTSystem that

you should be familiar with and understand.

  •        SMTP means Simple Mail Transfer Protocol and is a protocol used for sending e-mail messages over the internet.
  •         TLS means Transport Layer Security.  TLS is the successor protocol to SSL.  SSL means Secure Sockets Layer is a technology.  Both of these, TLS and SSL keep an internet connection secure and safeguards data between two systems.


The SMARTSystem uses TLS/SSL to send email using SMTP. 

To setup your SMTP go to Control Info, System Control Table.  Click the SMTP tab for the following information needed to setup your email:

This is an example to setup TLS/SSL using a Gmail account.  Note! Recent security changes mean that you need to setup an APP password to use with SMARTSystem. 


SMTP requires a relay.  We have a single set of credentials that we pass to the SMTP Server.  The option exists to send using the Sales Rep’s email address as the “FROM” address.  If it is possible with the SMTP Server’s security, the system would authenticate using the single set of credentials then be able to send using the FROM address from any staff member.  If this is not possible, the SMARTSystem can be configured to send all emails from a single account.

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