How to Setup and Use Sales Order Groups
Sales Order groups are used as a way to filter out specific orders. As an example, a group for your Valentine’s Day orders can be set up, and those specific orders would be assigned to that group. When searching for orders in that group, only those specific orders will be shown.
To create a new Sales Order Group, go into the Management menu > Sales Order Group Maintenance:
Once the window opens, type in a code and the description for the new group. The code will only allow up to 5 characters.
If you have any sales orders open, or the Sales Order view window open, they will need to be closed for the “Groups” list to refresh and display the newly added group.
The date range does need to be set for the proper time period the orders were created.
Sales View with filter applied:
Sales order with the Group selected:
These reports can be set up to use the Order Group field as a filter:
Sales by Product:
Open Orders Report: