Import Purchase Orders from Holex

A new method of Importing PO's has been added to the Purchase Order Screen for Holex orders.

A checkbox has been added to allow this new excel file to be imported

A blank spreadsheet needs to be created with these columns:

1.    Product Code

a.     This will always be119647260001 for the product with description H for Holex Products

2.    Quantity

a.     This is the total quantity of the product.

3.    Customer ID

a.     This will be a SHORT abbreviation of the customer name that will be prepended to the comment (below) and separated by a | (pipe) character.

4.    Comment

a.     This will contain the product description from holex

5.    Price

a.     This will be the product cost from Holex to CanMex

6.    Sales Price

a.     This will be the retail price from Holex – what the customer sees on the holex site.  This will be set as the Sales Price field in the PO.

Then copy from the Holex excel file into this new spreadsheet before importing.

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