Training Session #14B - SMARTScan Bar Code Physical Inventory Counts


  •        UPC – Universal Product Code is a 12 digit number to standardize inventory tracking and distinguish sellers by location. The latest UPC’s are 13 digits and stored in the GTIN field.
  •        GTIN – Global Trade Item Number is a 14 digit number. A company uses this number to identify all of its trade items uniquely
  •        MID – Manufacturers’ Identification Numbers catalog, track, and control their products.
  •        SKU – Stock Keeping Unit, pronounced “skew”  is an identification number that can represent your internal Product Code, a UPC, GTIN, Manufacturers Code, or the Vendors Primary Product Code.
  •        Zebra TC – Zebra Touch Computer.

Shelf Location Maintenance

Product locations enhance managing your inventory counts.

SMART Scan will help you identify product locations in two areas: Backstock and Display areas.

Aisle, Bay, and Shelf locations usually identify a Backstock area where most of your products are stored. Product Lookup will show the product location and other information. 

Label your product locations using this program:

          Inventory Menu > Inventory Shelf Location maintenance and Label Printing

SMART Scan Physical Count

The SMART Scan program captures physical inventory counts from one or more locations. When scanning at one or more locations, all inventory counts consolidate for a correct sum.

Selecting the SMART Scan icon will open this screen on your TC (Touch Computer) Scanner:

Typically, the SKU scan is the products’ UPC. 

Point the scanner at the bar code and click scan, enter the Quantity and enter or scan the bar code for location (A2B3S1 – Aisle 2, Bay 3, Shelf 1). The location will repeat itself until you change it.

Upon completion of the scanning, go to the SMARTSystem and review your results before posting product quantities. Review your results by selecting the Inventory Reconciliation program:

                    Inventory Menu > Inventory Reconciliation

Click “Manage Staged Physical Inventory”

When ready to post your physical inventory counts:

  • 1.    Select specific items listed or double click the “* Selected” to mark all items to post
  • 2.    Next, click “Move Selected Items to Inventory Reconciliation.”
  • 3.    Then, the Inventory Reconciliation screen will populate and when finished populating, click SAVE to update Inventory items with quantities scanned.
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