MTS #10.1 Pre-Books and Allocating in PO's

1. Create a Pre-book. Here you see two items that are not allocated to a purchase order and there are not enough on hand (Black Background with Orange letters)

2. Open the Unallocated Pre-Book Item List  from under the Purchase Orders MENU

3. If you search for the Product you will see the product listed, this report is for information only

4. Open a new Purchase Order and click on Add Unallocated Items

5. This will bring up the Add/Allocate Pre-Booked Items to Purchase Order window and you can add the pre-book items to the purchase order.

At this point you can select the vendor and allocate to a PO for that vendor

Just click the check box next to the line item and put in the amount if you want to allocate. 

6. On the Purchase Order you will see the items you have added.

NOTE having your Purchase Unit of Measure and Purchase Item Quantity set up correctly for your inventory item makes this process work more efficiently

7. Once you have added all of the products needed click the Order button.

8 . On the Pre-Book you will now see the item has changed color to show indicates the Product has been allocated to a purchase order, it had not been received and there is not enough On-Hand to fulfill this item. (Black background and white letters)

9. If you print the PO Receiving Worksheet it will show the items that are allocated and to which sales order.

10. When you receive the Purchase Order the items will be put on hold and not put into inventory

11. Also if you look at the Pre-book once more you will see the item is now white letters on a green background which means that the product has been allocated to a purchase order and has been received and it can be converted to a sales order or invoiced.

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