How to Add A Company Logo to MOTM Home Page

1.    Locate the MOTM directory.  The file will be located on the server, and the path will normally be C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MobileOnTheMove

2.    When in the directory, locate the file HomeContent.htm. 

3.    Open the file using Notepad.

4.    The line that will need to be changed to display the company logo is: 

<a href="" style="text-decoration:none;"><img src="images/NeedForSpeed.png" border="0" width="750" class="limit_to_screen_size" /></a>

a.     The only changes you’ll make will be the logo file’s name and possibly the width (highlighted above)

b.    Set the filename to the name of the file you will be uploading (see step 5) and change the width if you feel the image is too wide.

5.    Before saving the file, upload (copy from your directory, paste in the server’s directory) the new image to {Customers Mobile on the Move Folder}/Images this will usually be: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MobileOnTheMove\Images

6.    Go back to the HomeContent page and save it. 

7.    Using your browser, go to the URL for the company’s MOTM to verify it looks right. 

8.    Fix size or spacing in the HomeContent file and save again if there are any edits needed.

a.     You might want to add a <br> line above the line changed in step 4 if space is needed above the image.

9.      If any changes are made in step 9, recheck the layout by navigating to the customer’s mobile on the move to confirm everything looks good, you’re done!

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