MTS #21 Consolidated Invoicing

Purpose:  Review and discuss the functionality of the Route Preparation screen.

Keywords:  The following is a list of key terms used in the SMARTSystem that you should be familiar with and understand.

●      Ship Via – transportation code/description: your routes, carriers, etc. In-bound and Out-bound transportation.

●      “Scanner” – the barcode/UPC scanner used to input the Invoices for each route.

Training Areas for this Session:

Staff Maintenance:

●      There are two different modes in which the Consolidated Customer Invoices/Payments screen operates - Cashier mode and Normal mode. Which of these two modes depends on whether the user (staff member) has been configured as a cashier or not. This setting is found in the Staff Options tab of the Staff Maintenance screen:


●      This mode is designed so that the staff can immediately consolidate the Pick Tickets for the purchases made onsite, accept a payment, and generate an invoice.

●      This process starts by selecting the Consolidated Customer Invoices/Payments option on the Sales menu. This presents a screen with a list of all Customers with uninvoiced Pick Tickets within the specified date range. (This defaults to todays’ date.):

●      Selecting a customer on the left side will reveal/select all Pick Tickets for that customer on the right side, and showing the Total Sales amount. The check boxes on the right allow the choosing of the Pick Tickets for which payment will be accepted, and invoices will be generated:

●      Clicking the Create Invoice/Accept Payment button will allow the user to accept a payment:

●      After the payment is accepted, the Consolidated Invoice will print, and the Invoice details confirmed:


●      This mode works similarly to Cashier mode, except no payments are taken, multiple customers can be processed in a batch, and labels are generated. To perform this function, select the desired customers for which you’d like to consolidate and print invoices using the check boxes beside each desired Customer, then click the Create Invoices / Print Labels button:

●      The status and details will display on the right as the Invoices and Labels are batch printed:

●      Since, by default, only UN-invoiced orders are displayed, the invoices/labels can only be printed once, unless Reprint is checked. This will show the applicable invoiced orders, and allow the Invoices and Labels for the selected Customers to be printed, as in the previous step:

●      Clicking the Reprint Selected Invoices and Labels button will, again, generate the selected labels/invoices, and display the summary when complete:

To Show Customer Sales Orders by Sold to Name in consolidated Customer Invoice/Payment

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