MTS #19A Route Preparation, Sequencing and Reporting


To streamline Route reports for drivers using Route Preparation and sequencing of customer orders.


There are three actions working in sequence that streamline Route reporting for your drivers using bar code scanning.  These are Sales Order Processing, Routing Preparation and Shipping Workflow.  This is the 2nd step that comes after sales orders are consolidated, invoiced and delivery labels printed.

Bar code scanning is done by printing the bar code on a standard customer invoice containing the invoice number.

This Route Preparation program uses a bar code scanner and before starting each route scan, the Ship Via/Route must be selected and the delivery date from a calendar dropdown.  

When Ship Via/Route is selected the following screen will display:

Next, the bar code on each invoice will be scanned in sequence creating the following results:

1)    The selected Ship Via/Route and delivery date will automatically update the sales order and invoice records, and

2)    For each invoice scanned, you set the Stop Sequence number and it will be incremented by one to update the invoice Stop Sequence for the selected Ship Via for the Delivery date selected.

a)    As each invoice is scanned and recorded, the Ship Via, invoice number, customer name and the invoice’s sort sequence within the Ship Via will be added to the screen display.  If an invoice is scanned in error, the screen will allow for changing the sort sequence value. Arrow buttons will be next to the line that will allow moving the selected invoice up or down in the list.

b)    When you click on an item you can remove it by clicking the delete key in the lower left corner of the screen.

3)    If the invoice stop sequences are not set the Route Report will print in the same sequence that it prints in currently.

When the Route Report is run it will be sorted by Ship Via/Route and Stop Sequence to be printed in the correct sequence for delivery.

A “Save” button will be added to commit the changes.  Clicking this button will update the Ship Via and Delivery Date in the Invoice Header, and all associated Pick Ticket Header records.


There is a System Control option to print or not print the bar code on the invoice.

User's Guide

Purpose:  Review and discuss the functionality of the Route Preparation screen.

Keywords:  The following is a list of key terms used in the SMARTSystem that you should be familiar with and understand.

●      Ship Via – transportation code/description: your routes, carriers, etc. In-bound and Out-bound transportation.

●      “Scanner” – the barcode/UPC scanner used to input the Invoices for each route.

Training Areas for this Session:

System Control:

●      Under the Sales tab, on the Invoice tab, the Print Barcode on Standard Invoice option must be turned ON for this feature to work:

●      This option will print scan able barcodes at the bottom right of each invoice:

Route Preparation

●      This screen, found under the Shipping menu as the Route Preparation and Sequencing option, is used to organize and sequence the outgoing orders, by invoice, to be shipped on any given day.

●      The form will open, with a prompt for the user to choose a Ship Via/Route to which invoices will be added:

●      After selecting the Ship Via/Route from the dropdown, then confirming the date (which defaults to today), scanning of the Invoice bar codes can begin:

●      As each new invoice is scanned, it will be added to the end of the list.

●      The invoices can be reordered by using the up/down arrows in the left column, or by right-clicking one of the invoices in the list and choosing Move Up/Move Down from the popup menu.

●      To delete an invoice, right-click it and choose Delete from the popup menu.

●      If you change to another Ship Via/Route and/or Date, then scan the same invoice, it will be moved from its prior Route/Date to the new one.

●      Once all desired sequencing is complete, clicking the Save button will update the Ship Via/Route and Date of each invoice to reflect what has been entered in this screen.

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