MTS #17A Quickbooks Setup and Importer Setup


To establish the correct program settings for the SMARTSystem, QB Importer and Quick Books based on the customers’ requirements.


Section I is to establish settings for exporting SMARTSystem G/L accounts to QB for proper accounting of transactions.

Section II is to clearly define the settings on how purchase orders are being processed in QB.

Setting your Accounting System preferences in the SMARTSystem is done by an FCS Support person.  They must log in under programmer security:


To select your Accounting System preferences in SMARTSystem:

Go to the Control Info menu > Utilities > Select Accounting System.

Section I

It is required that you setup and coordinate the G/L accounts between SMARTSystem and Quick Books.

The G/L Account Descriptions are used to update QB, therefore when entered into the SMARTSystem they are correctly written exactly the same way, including upper and lower case letters.  For example:

To use the G/L accounts established in the SMARTSystem on transactions being exported to QB, it is necessary to set the checkbox in your Selected Accounting System to “Export GL Accounts to QB” as shown below:


And to correspond with this in the import tool the Use Accounts from Imported Data needs to be checked, otherwise you will get errors when importing

Click “Update System Control” to SAVE before exiting.

QB Importer:

When SMARTSystem is generating the G/L transactions the checkbox “Use Accounts from Imported Data” need to be set.

Also, if Purchase Orders are not being imported to Quick Books, which requires Quick Books to maintain inventory, set the checkbox to “Create New Inventory Items as Non-Inventory Parts"

Section II

There are three areas to setup with Purchase Orders.


To select your Accounting System preferences in SMARTSystem:

Go to the Control Info menu > Utilities > Select Accounting System.

When NOT processing Purchase Orders in QB, the two items circled in red are to be set as shown in the example below.  When PO’s are being processed in QB reverse this sequence.

Click “Update System Control” to SAVE before exiting.

QB Importer:

When SMARTSystem is generating the G/L transactions the checkbox “Use Accounts from Imported Data” need to be set.


Quick Books:

QB Inventory creation from SMARTSystem is OK as an Inventory Part when the “QB Inventory and purchase orders are active” is not checked in the QB Preferences because there will be no costs, sales or average cost creation.  Inventory will go negative with sales coming in, but does not have any impact on cost of goods.

  •        Preferences is turned off (see Preferences on Edit Menu)

When QB Preferences are turned off:

Setup Payments for EMV import

If you are using Paytrace and EMV then you will need to setup a New Payment method in Quickbooks so that the payments from SMARTSystem flow through to Quickbooks

Go to the Customer Payment Window in Quickbooks

Click on the Drop down arrow under MORE and Add New Payment Method

Name it EMV and choose Other Credit Card as Payment Type

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