MTS #8D Discount Price Code Summary


To provide a general overview of the SMARTSystem Discount Price Code (DPC) options.


The Discount Price Code is designed to setup up a group discount that can be applied against categories and sub-categories or a specific SKU inventory item discount.

The Discount Price Code has specific rules attached to it and a general flow chart of the logic/decision process used in the sales program is shown below.

The following screen is used for Discount Price Code Maintenance with a Group example:

DPC screen fields summary:

  •        DPC (Discount Price Code) is 1 to 4 characters
  •        Discount Type is:

o   SKU for a specific inventory item or

o   Group for a group discount by Product Category and/or Sub-category

  •        Calculation Type:

o   Fixed price for specific items

o   Percentage of SPL1 (Sales Price Level 1-note this value can be + or - %)

  •        Discount % is entered when the Calculation Type is set for Percentage of SPL1:


  •        Customer SKU will print if entered on the DPC entry.
  •        Customer UPC will print if entered on the DPC entry.

Discount Price Code (DPC) processing rules are:

  •        The DPC table prevents un-authorized DPC’s from being entered into the customer table and clearly defines specific discounts and how they are used.
  •        When the DPC on a customer overrides all other discount methodologies.  An inactive DPC will not affect discount processing.
  •        Discount prices will not be calculated on the sales order until a quantity is value is entered.
  •        Customer SKU and Customer UPC are apply to big customers like Walmart that require their SKU and UPC on certain documents
  •        Places where Discounts are Calculated:

o   Quick Entry

o   Selective Ordering

o   Summary Tab

  •        System Control > Sales Options > General

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