MTS #6F PO Excel Import

Purpose:  To build a purchase order using an excel spreadsheet.

Keywords:  The following is a list of key terms used in the SMARTSystem that you should be familiar with and understand.

  •        Item in the excel file is the SMARTSystem Product Code


An excel spreadsheet can be used to import the detail line items of the purchase order to create a PO in the SMARTSystem.

The excel spreadsheet used for input has two columns:

  •        Item
  •        Quantity

The first step is to enter the Vendor Information and then select the “Import PO Details” tab.

On the “Import PO Details” tab below, select the Browse button to locate and select you’re excel file:

Then click the “Pre-Import Review Button to show any errors and allow you make corrections on the screen.

When ready, click the Import PO Details button and you will see a green bar to show the processing status.  When it is completed, the Import Completed display is shown:


Click OK and the Quick Entry screen is then shown for you to make any final adjustments or additional entries:

Go to the Vendor Information screen to verify your Arrival Date, Ship Via, Other Vendor Charges and Other Import Charges.

This PO is in the “IP” (Input Processing Mode) and when you are ready, click the Order button.

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