MTS #6E.1 Allocation Options

  • Purpose:  To outline the inventory Allocation options in SMARTSystem.
  • Keywords:  The following is a list of key terms used in the SMARTSystem that you should be familiar with and understand.
       Allocation assigns a Purchase Order Detail Item to be used to fulfill a Pre-book Sales Detail Item when the pre-book is converted to a sales order or invoiced.
There are several Allocation Options available to help you achieve the goal stated in the definition above:
1.     Create a Purchase Order from Pre-book sales detail items to fulfill the inventory requirements.

2.     Add Pre-book sales detail items that need inventory to an existing Purchase Order.
3.     Allocate Pre-book sales detail items that need inventory to a current PO line item on an existing PO
a.      You can also choose to have the system automatically allocate all pre-book items that CAN be fulfilled by the items on an existing purchase order up to a specified number of days in the future.
                                                    i.     All Automatic Allocations are done by matching product code ONLY.
                                                  ii.     A match will occur only if:
1.      the delivery date of the pre-book is after the Arrival date of the PO and
2.      if there is sufficient quantity available to fulfill it and
3.     all of the other child pre-book orders that need to be delivered before it are fulfilled.
4.     Standing Order processing:
a.      Child PO Standing Order(s) must exist and be in Order (OR) status, then
b.     Pre-Book Sales Items can be Allocated to those child PO’s.
a.      Product codes are the key to automatic allocation. All Automatic Allocations are done by matching product code ONLY.
b.     Only pre-book sales orders with a matching product code to a child PO can be allocated. This option matches by product code from Pre-book to PO, also
c.      it will only match if the delivery date of the pre-book sales order is “After” the “Arrival date” of the PO and

d.      if there is sufficient quantity to fulfill pre-book sales orders and
e.      All of the other child pre-book sales orders with an earlier customer delivery date are fulfilled.
5.     View Pre-Book Allocations program:
a.      Manually Allocate product to individual Pre-Book items by specific POs

b.    Substitute existing Allocated Pre-Book items for other products
c.      You can Unallocate pre-book items from Purchase Order Detail to make incoming products available to other Pre-book sales order(s).

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