MTS #5K - Item Classification for Multiple Category Search

Purpose:  To describe how to associate products with a specific classification by category and how to use that classification to show specific products in the quick entry view of the sales order program.

Keywords:  The following is a list of key terms used in the SMARTSystem that you should be familiar with and understand.

  •         Hot Key is an assigned series of key strokes to perform a function.
  •         Item Classification is a process to group specific products.


There are 3 steps in this process to use a “Hot Key” to search for assigned products:

1.     Create a Product Classification

2.     Create a Hot Key combination  to select the new Product Classification

3.     Associate inventory items with the new Product Classification

Setup Procedure:

1.     Create a new product classification for the products you want to load using a Hot Key:

a.      Click the Inventory -> Product Filter Maintenance -> Product Classification menu item

b.     Enter the new Product Classification Name on a new entry line, for example: FRESH AND ROSES

c.      Click the Save button

d.     Close the Product Classification window


2.     Create a hotkey combination to select the new product classification.

a.     We strongly recommend not using the shift key as your hot key because it is often typed instinctively to capitalize words

b.     This example shows setting ALT + F as a hotkey combination for the FRESH AND ROSES classification defined above

                                                             i.      Press Alt

                                                           ii.      Then Press R

c.      Then click Save to add the user defined search as shown below:

3.     Associate the inventory items with the new classification you created

a.      Click the Management -> Assign Settings to Inventory -> Assign Item Classifications to Inventory menu item

            i.      Select the category you want to assign to the new item classification you created and click the Find button

            ii.      Select your new Item Classification in the Item Classification field and click Apply. 

1.     This might take a moment to apply, please be patient.

            iii.      Repeat steps 3.a.i and 3.a.ii for all of the categories you would like to associate with this classification

How to Use Product Classifications:

1.     How to use the classification user defined search in Sales Order Entry you have created:

a.      Open a new sales order

b.     Select a customer

c.      Select the entered by salesperson, if your system requires it

d.     Click the Quick Entry tab

e.      Make sure the category selected is ALL

                                                             i.      Sales staff using this feature should have their Default Category in the Staff Maintenance to blank or ALL.  This will speed up the use of this feature.

f.       Press the hotkeys you associated with the classification and all products matching the categories you associated with the new classification will be shown.

g.      The Sales Order screen in the title bar (at the top) will also identify the classification search that was selected:

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