Sales Cut-Off Time


To prevent sales orders from being entered into the SMARTSystem based on a cut-off time for each Ship Via transportation record.


  •         a Ship Via transportation record will have the same cut-off time each day, for each transportation company, and
  •         A SMARTSystem Control switch will allow the customer to activate or deactivate this new feature. This switch may be used to turnoff this feature and the program needs to check before verifying the time.

When the Enable Shipping Cut Off Time option is enabled, users will be prevented from adding items to orders after their cutoff item for sales orders for delivery on today’s date (calendar date).

There is no way to override this for users that do not have permissions to edit orders after cutoff time.  

Users can be granted permission to edit sales orders that are past cutoff in the staff maintenance screen.  Users with this box checked will have full control over sales orders regardless of their cutoff time.:

Under the Staff record you can set an override for a particular staff member:

These are the rules that the Cutoff follows:

  • 1.    Users cannot click go into any of the tabs in the sales order other than the customer information after cutoff.
  • a.     If they start entering an order before cutoff, they will be allowed to finish it.
  •                                                    i.     The exception to this is if they click back to the Customer Information tab or close and re-open the order.
  • 2.    If a user enters a customer name and the date defaults to today’s date and they have not entered any products on the order yet, they will be allowed to close the order with either the red x or the exit button.
  • 3.    The cutoff is only relevant for orders for delivery today (past and future dates are ignored)
  • 4.    Orders for today that were entered before the cutoff that are re-opened will not be editable, but the user will be:
  • a.     Allowed to open the order and:
  •                                                    i.     Close it with either the red x or the exit button
  •                                                  ii.     Cancel it with the cancel button
  •                                                iii.     Print it
  •                                                iv.     Invoice it
  • b.    They will NOT be allowed to add products to the order.
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