#4B - Inventory Quantity HOLD options

Purpose:   To provide options to place inventory quantities on HOLD.

Keywords:  The following is a list of key terms used in the SMARTSystem that you should be familiar with and understand.

       On-Hand Inventory – Inventory in the computer that represents what is in the warehouse. On-Hand includes the On-Hold quantity.

       On-Hold – is an inventory quantity set aside in the computer and removed from the Net Available Inventory for sale by the sales staff.

       Net Available Inventory – On-Hand Inventory less On-Hold Inventory is the Net Available Inventory for sale.

       Lot – a specific product and quantity received on a purchase order or by inventory receiving.

Training Areas for this Session:

Placing Product On-Hold

There are several ways that product quantities can be placed On-Hold.  These include:

  • 1.              Under the Management Menu, the sub-menu Inventory Management program allows the placement of HOLD quantities on specific inventory lots received.
  • 2.              Pre-books allocated to Purchase Orders when received are automatically placed On-Hold to prevent them from being sold in your open market inventory.
  • 3.              The Inventory View provides access to place a quantity On-Hold when you right click the product and select View Inventory Detail Items from the Inventory.
  • 4.              The product on an entire Purchase Order can be put On-Hold by clicking the “Hold Order” button on the Purchase Order Entry screen.
  • 5.              For Growers: the sub-menu under the End-of-Day Menu, Auto Hold for Pre-Book Orders can be run by the Sales Manager to automatically place inventory product entered into the SMARTSystem from harvest to an On-Hold status based on the delivery date to customers.

  1. Questions and Answers

The HELP Documentation can be accessed directly in the SMARTSystem by selecting the HELP menu or pressing the F1 key on any program screen.

A Knowledge Base is available on the Floral Computer Systems website under the SUPPORT tab.  Select this link to display the Knowledgebase login screen:


You can Login using “client” for both the User Login and Password.

If you have any questions or need support, please contact us at Support@Floralcomputer.com or call 727-483-5306 for assistance.

Practice Drills

The purpose of Practice Drills is to get you more familiar with the SMARTSystem and comfortable using it. 

1.              Login into SMARTSystem.

2.              Select the Inventory View and locate 1 product to place product on HOLD.

3.              Go to the MANAGEMENT Menu, select Inventory Management and search for the inventory item, in this example the product is ACACIA.  Enter 50 into the *Qnty On Hold field as shown below:

4.              Click SAVE at the bottom of the screen to save your entry:

5.              When you click SAVE the following message will appear when all HOLDS are SAVED.

6.              Go back to the Inventory View and verify that 50 items are on HOLD.

7.              Another way to set and clear HOLDS is to right clicking the product line and select View Inventory Detail Items:

8.              Set the On Hand Hold Quantity (highlighted below) to zero

9.              Click SAVE to update the On Hand Hold to zero and see message confirming the change was saved:

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