Sales - User Defined Queries

Contract Pricing List by Customer 

Query to find duplicate sales orders 
Query to list Ship To's from Ship To Table 
Sales Tax by State Report - Set Start Date and End Date by editing the query 
Today's order details that have a Zero price 
Un-invoiced Standing Orders 
All Orders in the last year that were cancelled after they were Invoiced 
Contract Pricing List by Product 
Internet Orders - List of the 500 newest orders 
List of All Payments Received 
List of Internet Orders 
Oversold Lots (negative On Hand) 
Sales Tax Collected Summary by Tax Code for Last Month 
Sales Tax Details for Last Month 
Sales Tax for Last Month 
Pre-Book Set Aside Products List 
All Invoices without Sales Tax in descending date order 
Grower MTD sales by Farm 
Only shows Credit Requests NOT Flagged for Conversion 
Standing Order Masters Product Detail List 
Active Standing Order details 
AHOLD 2019 Sales Summary by Product 
Shows invoice date and delivery date with invoice number and customer name 
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