Inventory - User Defined Queries

Create Inventory worksheet for an Categories by Product Type

Export Inventory Table with Product Type Description:

Find Inventory with Invalid Product Types

Inventory Items with O WAC

Inventory Items with invalid Item Code Filters:

Inventory Items with missing Item Code Filters:

Inventory Items without Vendor

Inventory List

Inventory UPC - GTIN Active Inventory Only List

Inventory with Quantity On Hand and Nothing Received

List Inventory with Unit Of Measures and Pack

List Inventory with UPCs

List of Inactive Inventory Items

Product Types with Print Groups

Product Types with Print Sequence

Product Type List assigned with Sales Person Assignment

Category List with Salesperson Assignments

Inventory Items with Invalid product type

List Of New Inventory Items By Date Range

Products Not Allowed on Pre-Book Orders

Items without UPC

Inventory List By Product Category And Sub Category

Inventory List with Primary Vendor

Inventory List with Primary Vendor and On Hand Quantity

Category, Sub-Category, Inventory List

Products with missing GL Accounts

Eliminate inactive inventory from the PO Advice Report

List by Category alphabetically all the sub—categories associated with that Category


Current Landed Cost Inventory Valuation (does not use WAC)


Inventory with PMA Codes in Product Code Sequence

Inventory List with Cat, Subcat, Full Selling UoM and Selling Cubes (active items only) 

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