Setup Quickbooks Company Classes

Description:  QB Class: Set-up for QB Companies

Knowledge Base Id:

Search Keys:  Quick Books, QB, Classes, Invoice, Sales Tax, Freight, Delivery Charges


QB Classes are used to identify individual company branches.


1.    Add the Branch names in the Quick Books Class List:

2.    Using the programmer security login, select:

Control Info > Utilities > Select Accounting System

  • 3.    Check the “Export Company Class to Quick Books.”
  • 4.    Enter the Branch name in the Company Class field on this screen. The Branch name needs to be the same spelling as in the QB Class List.  Do this each branch database:
  • Note:  Read the text in red: When company class export is not selected the SMARTSystem will export Routes as a Class to Quick Books.  If no route set in Ship Via, then NO Class will be exported to QB.

Save your changes.  This completes the configuration in SMARTSystem. 


5.    The current QB Import Tool should be used.

6.    You are now ready to run the EOD and import activity into QB.

* * End of Document * *

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